Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November Activities

Dear students,

It is time to start learning some reading strategies along with vocabulary building ones. There are plenty of nice activities to do. Please follow the instructions.

Please, remember you have to do three listenings  every week from


and a chapter from Christmas Carol from


Have fun!

1. Vocabulary Building. 
a. Please watch the video and write down the strategies a medic uses when he needs to learn new words. You may have to listen to it, several times. 


b. Do the lesson 'Prefixes Say Plenty.' Don't forget to click on BEGIN LESSON. 


c. Download, pirnt, and read the handout 'Understanding Hard Words.'

2. Reading 'Science in the news'
Click on the following link. Read and answer the ten (10) questions. Don't forget to check your answers.


Do the 'Photosynthesis: Math Lesson'


3. Texts  types
Read about the different types of texts. Do a graphic organizer where you can include them along with explanations.


Read the information provided in the following PDF and again use a graphic organizer to organize all the information.
