Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dear Students,

This month you will be doing a project, which can be an infogram or a leaflet. Moreover, there also will be a wonderful movie to watch and a text to read. And last but not least, your absolute favorite grammar and vocabulary sections. So the fun has just arrived!

Before you get started, the rules have changed regarding written or printed sections. THEY ALL WILL BE HANDED IN.

So enjoy the activities and learn as much as you can!

Part 1

1. Click on the link 'BBC Learning English.'

Immediately afterwards, click on the section '6 Minute English: Improving your Memory.' Read the information provided on the page, and do not forget the question you must answer. It is also a good idea to check the vocabulary provided. In the box on the right click on the icons for the PDF and the podcast. You might want to listen to the interview first and then download the PDF document in case you need to see the transcript. You need to write down the title of the activity, the question (According to the BBC Food website, which type of food support good memory function?) and your answer.

2. Click on the following link:

This time you will learn about  modal verbs, particularly the ones used to express deduction and speculation. There is a content box, you might want to paste or write down. Listen to the podcast. You may download the transcript. Don't forget to answer the question: What do you say when you are making a guess about a present or past situation?

Part 2
3. Click on the following link:

Make sure you watch the video, read the information and do all the exercises 'to check your grammar' on the following topics:
a. Can, could and would for invitations, offers, requests, and permission.
b. Modals of deduction
c. Future forms
d. Passive forms

Part 3
Do you think zoos are a good thing? Write down your ideas.
Now click on the following link:

  • Read the instructions
  • Do the preparation activity. Download the worksheets and print them.
  • Do the True and False activity + the Fill in the Gap one.

Delivery date: 632A & 633B February 27th. 
603A, 611B, 612A & 626A, March 1st.