Sunday, December 8, 2019

November-December Activities

Dear students,

The following activities are due by the second week in January 2020. Plan your work and enjoy the holidays.

Part 1. 

a. Click on the link and read again the five Chapters of 'A Christmas Carol' by Charles Dickens

b. Watch the videos 'A Christmas Carol'  and 'A Diva's Christmas Carol'.

In your notebook, write your opinion on both movies. Say which one you liked best and explain why. Then make chart in which you  display the similarities and differences between both movies. 

Part 2
A. Remember every week you must do three listenings from BBC Learn English Teens:

Those of you who already have finished the ones above and feel you need more practice, you can do the ones from BBC Learn English:

B. Please read Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carrol, excerpts from Down the Rabbit-Hole - Part 1.
Write down 5 questions and answer them

Part 3. It is time to check sentence structures. 
Please, click on the following link and study the information. Then answer the questions.

1. What are the differences between simple and compound sentences?
Please, write at least three examples of each from the texts we have read in class.

2. What are the differences between compound and complex sentences?
Please, write at least three examples of each from the texts we have read in class.

3. Explain the four types of clauses or sentences.
Please, write at least three examples of each from the texts we have read in class.

4. Read the information provided in this link.

What is a clause?

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

November Activities

Dear students,

It is time to start learning some reading strategies along with vocabulary building ones. There are plenty of nice activities to do. Please follow the instructions.

Please, remember you have to do three listenings  every week from

and a chapter from Christmas Carol from

Have fun!

1. Vocabulary Building. 
a. Please watch the video and write down the strategies a medic uses when he needs to learn new words. You may have to listen to it, several times.

b. Do the lesson 'Prefixes Say Plenty.' Don't forget to click on BEGIN LESSON.

c. Download, pirnt, and read the handout 'Understanding Hard Words.'

2. Reading 'Science in the news'
Click on the following link. Read and answer the ten (10) questions. Don't forget to check your answers.

Do the 'Photosynthesis: Math Lesson'

3. Texts  types
Read about the different types of texts. Do a graphic organizer where you can include them along with explanations.

Read the information provided in the following PDF and again use a graphic organizer to organize all the information.

Monday, October 7, 2019

October 14th-25th Activities

Auroras boreales from national

Dear students,

You all will be working grammar, listening, and reading comprehension. Enjoy the activities! 

See you next week!

 1. Click on the following link:

There you will find several grammar topics which might help you. Do the exercise first. Then, study the information for the following topics and answer finally take the test.

a. Adjectives and prepositions
b. Adjectives ending in -ed and -ing
c. Articles 1
d. Articles 2
e. Countable and Uncountable Nouns 1
f. Countable and Uncountable Nouns 2
g. Past Continouos and Past Simple 
h. Questions forms
i. Verbs followed by '-ing' or by 'to + infinitive 1'

If you get all your answers correct the first time, you can take a photo or print the screen. In case, you needed several times to get the exercise right, don't worry! You should write down the exercise on a sheet of paper to hand in.

2. Click on the following link

Do the preparation before you read the text 'Digital Habits across Generations.' Then read the text and afterwards do Tasks 1 & 2.
If you get all your answers correct the first time, you can take a photo or print the screen. In case, you needed several times to get the exercise right, don't worry! You should write down the exercise on a sheet of paper to hand in.

3. Listen and read the biographies of Albert Einstein and Johannes Kepler and answer the questions. Read the text at least 3 times.

In your opinion, what are the five more important events in Einstein's youth? 
Write down a timeline of Einstein's professional experience as a physicist.
What event makes Einstein turn down his German Citizenship?
What other interests did Einstein pursue in his later years?
What do you think the quote 'The difference between stupidy and genius is that genius has its limits' means?

   - Now read Johannes Kepler biography at least three times.

Write down a time line for the most important events in his personal life and his career as a scientist.
       Think about Einstein's and Kepler's texts and find the similarities as well as the differences. Organize the information in a chart where you clearly show what they have in common and what the differences are.

For example: 
Both Kepler and Einstein were scientists.

 Einstein was a physicist, and Kepler was a mathematician and an astronomer.

      Now that you know about Einstein and Kepler's lives, who do you like best?
Write down an explanation.

4. As some of you have expressed anxiety about Physics, I found a webpage which might help you. Please, feel free to ask if you have doubts related to English. Many of the topics are in your Physics Syllabus.

In the same page you can find a section called Physics Interactives which can also be helpful.

5. Don't forget to do your three listening activities from the British Council Site

6. Please, read and do the exercises for Christmas Carol, Chapters 1 & 2.

Those of you who can read the original version, click on the link to do so.
Have fun!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Welcome Class 2019-2020!

Body of Water Surrounded by Trees by Bailey Zindel

Dear Sixth Graders,

This blog may help you improve your English if you do the activities. There is no shortcut to success, so you must work hard.

Your EFL Teacher

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

March-April Activities

Dear Students,

This is our last set of activities. Please take the necessary time to fulfill the activities. Remember everything has to be handed in by the due date.

Part 1
1. You will be studying conditionals. Please, click on the following link:

a. Watch the video, the transcript is below in case you need it.
b. Download the exercises and the grammar snack from the section 'Worksheets & Downloads,' if possible. There are three grammar activities: matching, multiple choice, and gap fill. You can do them online and once you have the correct answers, please write them down.

2. Information on the Third Conditional can be found in the following link:

- Watch the video. Once again the transcript is below the video. There are three grammar exercises that you can do online: 'Matching, word2word, and Gap fill,' and afterwards write them down or download them from the section: 'Worksheets & Downloads' to answer them.

3. Passive Voice activities can be found in the following link:

- Watch the video. Once again the transcript is below the video. There are three grammar exercises that you can do online and then write them down: ''True or False, Ordering, and Gap fill'  or download the activity sheets from 'Worksheets & Downloads' to answer them afterwards.

4. Relative Clauses is another useful topic. Please click on the following link:

- Watch the video. Once again the transcript is below the video. There are three grammar exercises that you can do online and then write them down: ''True or False,  Gap fill, and Multiple Choice,'  or download the activity sheets from 'Worksheets & Downloads' to answer them afterwards.

Thursday, January 31, 2019

Dear Students,

This month you will be doing a project, which can be an infogram or a leaflet. Moreover, there also will be a wonderful movie to watch and a text to read. And last but not least, your absolute favorite grammar and vocabulary sections. So the fun has just arrived!

Before you get started, the rules have changed regarding written or printed sections. THEY ALL WILL BE HANDED IN.

So enjoy the activities and learn as much as you can!

Part 1

1. Click on the link 'BBC Learning English.'

Immediately afterwards, click on the section '6 Minute English: Improving your Memory.' Read the information provided on the page, and do not forget the question you must answer. It is also a good idea to check the vocabulary provided. In the box on the right click on the icons for the PDF and the podcast. You might want to listen to the interview first and then download the PDF document in case you need to see the transcript. You need to write down the title of the activity, the question (According to the BBC Food website, which type of food support good memory function?) and your answer.

2. Click on the following link:

This time you will learn about  modal verbs, particularly the ones used to express deduction and speculation. There is a content box, you might want to paste or write down. Listen to the podcast. You may download the transcript. Don't forget to answer the question: What do you say when you are making a guess about a present or past situation?

Part 2
3. Click on the following link:

Make sure you watch the video, read the information and do all the exercises 'to check your grammar' on the following topics:
a. Can, could and would for invitations, offers, requests, and permission.
b. Modals of deduction
c. Future forms
d. Passive forms

Part 3
Do you think zoos are a good thing? Write down your ideas.
Now click on the following link:

  • Read the instructions
  • Do the preparation activity. Download the worksheets and print them.
  • Do the True and False activity + the Fill in the Gap one.

Delivery date: 632A & 633B February 27th. 
603A, 611B, 612A & 626A, March 1st.