Saturday, February 4, 2017

February Activities

1. Study the charts and explanations for Modal Verbs in: 

The English Page

and English Grammar Online

You must do all the seven exercises from the English Page in your notebook along with the three from English Grammar Online.

2. It is time to learn about Phrasal Verbs, so you need to read the information in English Grammar Online

and do the exercises of Phrasal Verbs with 'up', 'on', 'turn', and the Mixed Exercises 1 & 2 in your notebook.

3. Watch and listen to 5 Ways to Listen Better by Julian Treasure in

a. Why do people do not listen to the other?
b. Why is listening important? 
c. How can you improve listening? Write down the five exercises and explain them.


These activities are due on

March Activities

4. Read the first chapter of Agatha Christie's The Mysterious Affair at Styles in the following link:

Read the questions and write down the answers in your notebook:
a. Who are the main characters?