Thursday, September 1, 2016

September Assignments

From September 1st to 23rd, you need to do the following activities:

1. Click on the link Learn English Grammar
Read the information about the Indefinite, Personal, Possessive, and Reflexive Pronouns. Remember that you will need to read the explanations several times; then, take the tests.
Read about the different types of nouns: abstract, concrete,common, collective and compound. Don't forget to take the test for the last one

2. Click on the link BBC Learning

You need to do the 3 activities from Unit 1: Nice to Meet You
Session 1: Welcome. You must do the three  (3) activities.
Session 2: Question Forms. Please, do the  four (4) activities.
Session 3: Be a Journalist. There are two (2) activities you must do.
Session 4: 'Dear Sir' or 'Hey, Folks'. Please do the four (4 )activities included.

3. Cick on the link for 5 Minute Biographies:

You have to listen and read two biographies: Alexander Fleming and Michael Faraday. Make sure you read and listen to them at least 4 times.
Print the texts and underline the words you do not know.
Choose 25 words you think will be useful or are related to your field of study.
Write 5 questions and their answers for each text. Check your grammar and spelling (Review BBC Learning: Unit 1, Session 2).

4. Time to learn new vocabulary. Today, you will learn  Computer Vocabulary
from the webpage Learn English. Click on the following link:

To learn the words by heart follow the next procedure:

I. Finding Letter Combinations
a. Read all the words and identify letter combinations frequently repeated.
b. Highlight these letter combinations in the text.
c. Write on the top of a card the letter combination and below the words containing those letter combinations. Every time you find a new word with this letter combination write it on your card.
d. Every time you discover a new letter combination make a new card for each one.

II. Learning and Pronouncing
a. The teacher or a classmate will dictate the words in the list.
b. Check that you spelled the words correctly. In case, you are unsure about the spelling  or pronunciation of any word, look them up in the dictionaryl and listen to it:

c.  Write down the list of words one more time making sure you pronounce each word.

III. Listing 1
a. Read the words in the list.
b. Write the words in alphabetical order.
c. Read five (5)words aloud and repeat them three (3) times.
d. Follow the same procedure until you finish the list.

IV. Grouping 1
a. Remember or read the words you have been studying.
b. Find their similarities in spelling.
c. Group the words in five (5) different ways, always using all the words included in the list: alphabetical order, number of vowels, number of consonants, part of speech, related words (topic or semantic field), same ending, last letter, etc.
d. Highlight the similarities in each group.